
wineMmmmmm yet another yummy friend I ‘play” with on occasion…his writing is what first attracted me to him.   This story struck me right from the start…it is unlike 99.99% of the erotic stories you read out there…it is the point… sexy and has a truly tasty twist!


Keep it naughty


The blindfold falls away asyou find your wrists and ankles tied to the corners of a large table. The room is beautifully paneled in dark wood, the light bright above you limiting your vision.

A hibachi chef stands over you, twirling his knives and spatulas, performing bladed legerdemain for our amusement. A few deft flicks send your shirt buttons flying, a slice here… a cut there… and your skirt and bra to fall to the side, exposing your pale skin.

Instead of flinging a vegetable appetizer into each guest’s open mouth, he tosses scraps of your shredding clothing as souvenirs into the seated audience.

In the midst of twirling a long santoku he makes quick smacks with the flat of his spatula…spanking your inner thigh, your outer arm and your glistening box. The delicate metallic trilling of knives crescendos into cymbal smacks of metal meeting skin as you writhe at his touch.

From the side, the chef removes a spatula left to warm on the cook top. It’s almost hot enough to burn as it dances around your nipples… tripping and tumbling the edge along the folds of your cunt lips.

You squirm and buck, struggling against your bonds. He taps your clit with the flat of the hot spatula, increasing the tempo as you feel your orgasm building.

As you reach the crest, he grabs a handful of shrimp, still hot and buttery from the grill. One by one he lays them in a fan around your dripping pussy, using your sex as a living tapestry to paint a culinary work of art. He squirts some hot oil along your legs and in intricate circles on your breasts, smack your nipples with the tip of the knife until their stiffness satisfies him.

You look into his impassive eyes, begging for release. “Please…”

He grunts, then looks at the audience.

Taking a step back, he smears wasabi oil on his finger and rub it into each nipple and then a generous dollop into your clit.

The fiery sting brings you over the edge as you scream and cum for your audience…

As we begin to reach for our chopsticks, he steps back and announces in an accented voice:

“Ladies and gentleman… SLUT IS SERVED…”

Published with permission of the Author Joseph Blackhawk

3 Responses to “Served”

  1. Now that is erotic writing. Unusually focused, yet sensual from start to finish. Fantastic!

  2. Hey, Zappa from Plurk, where’d you go? We miss you? (cozy)

  3. What an amazing story….. whats for desert?

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